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Blog: Photo Gallery

My name is Addie and I have autism.

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Blue Jay Point

Dear Addie, And then it was finally here - like a countdown to Christmas Day, our big adventure project, the adventure we’d planned since...


Dear Addie, A few weeks ago we were walking into church, my mind in its usual preoccupied state of wondering if I had the right fidget...

We Are Not Alone

Dear Addie, I’m not sure if it’s the change of season that this time of year brings, but I find myself more times than not feeling so far...

I Could Eat A Horse

Dear Addie, “I’m so hungry I could eat a horse!” That my dear is a phrase I would probably never say to you and for good reason, because...

I Saw It

Dear Addie, Life is a series of doors, some closing while others open, some we will walk through together and others you will walk...

It's Not A Sprint

Dear Addie, Trust the process; Give it time; Have patience; Embrace the journey; These are things we all tell ourselves when we think...

I Blinked

Dear Addie, It’s true what they say - don’t blink when raising kids, it can feel every bit like running on a treadmill, that feeling of...

11 Years

Dear Addie, It took 11 years, but there we were, checking off “baby’s first haircut” from the list of milestones. Yes, you read that...

It'll All Be Different

Dear Addie, I sat there in the warm sand watching you all and thinking - one day, not too far from now, it’ll all be different. Hard for...

The Pier

Dear Addie, Living a life with a sensory processing disorder doesn’t just affect the individual but it shapes the entire family dynamic...

I Didn't See This

Dear Addie, And there we were wind in our faces, breathing in the salty sea air all around, rocking back & forth in the open sea with not...

Mission Accomplished

Dear Addie, “And if I had a boat I'd go out on the ocean And if I had a pony I'd ride him on my boat” A song by Lyle Lovett that just so...

The Courtyard

Dear Addie, Last week we tried a new church closer to our home. Now I use the term “new” loosely because while it was new to our family...

Watercolors All Around Us

Dear Addie, Parenting is a wild ride; you could devour a wealth of knowledge from every book you can get your hands on and still not feel...

She Was The Best

Dear Addie, We heard - she was the best, that’s why. I’ve found myself sitting in this waiting room lobby for close to 7 years now, all...


Dear Addie, It happens to me all the time, I’ll be in the grocery store, car, therapy waiting room, or even the elevator and I will...

Farm Time!

Dear Addie, …And then it was summer. The time of year we have come to love as we head back to our beloved 3 Bluebird’s Farm autism camp....


Dear Addie As I reflect on this last chapter of our lives, I can’t help but think of time. So much of this journey is about time. The...

Flying The Nest

Dear Addie, We’ve spent the last 6 years running this elementary school marathon, and here we are in our final sprint to it all being a...


Dear Addie, Last night I was privy to an amazing speech given by John Samuel who just happens to be the CEO of Ablr 360 -a disability...

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