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Blog: Photo Gallery

My name is Addie and I have autism.

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The Show Must Go On

Dear Addie, The understudy. One of the most important roles in any production, yet often overlooked or never thought about by the...

Me Time

Dear Addie, I’ve heard it more than once, now that Caitlin is here you can have some “me time” or “you can take a break!” All that is...

Mary Poppins

Dear Addie, Some 14 years ago now, when big sister Clara was an inquisitive 3-year-old and brother Gabe just a ball of baby, well before...

More Than Paint

Dear Addie, And there you were standing in front of me as I was surrounded by a sea of mismatched socks and 1000 other ADHD style 1/2...

A Masterpiece In The Making

Dear Addie, This week I was scrolling through Instagram and came across this beautiful landscape picture painted by the world-famous...

The Territory

Dear Addie, It comes with the territory. I say this a lot. Lack of or cryptic language, social awkwardness, odd behaviors, and a vampire...

Just Maybe...

Dear Addie, I came across a picture of you this week and all the memories came flooding back. It was taken shortly after your “official”...

A Penny For Your Thoughts

Dear Addie, We plateaued and maybe even started digging a hole toward more profound regression. Unfortunately, it’s commonplace in the...


Dear Addie, It’s a new year baby girl – a time for reflection on the year behind us, new resolutions, and promises of what’s to come in...

The Aftermath

Dear Addie, A storm. By definition, it’s a violent disturbance of the atmosphere causing a reaction. It’s often predicted by experts but...


Dear Addie, This is traditionally my favorite week of the year filled with family and holiday cheer, but here we were, feeling nothing...

A "Ba-lan-jo"

Dear Addie, This week I saw great growth (which can always go hand in hand with a fair share of challenges) in your behavior. You...

And The Award Goes To...

Dear Addie, I’m pretty confident if there were awards given for tipping chaos scales we’d clean up - just saying. But it’s true! Having...

I Felt It

Dear Addie, This week I felt it. The emotional, physical, and mental toll this journey manifests, just got the best of me. Truth…You are...

Forever Grateful

Dear Addie, Thanksgiving. A day of reflection on all we are thankful for. While this autism journey isn’t what I would call anything...

Welcome To Broadway

Dear Addie, For as long as I can remember, far before any autism diagnosis you have had significant auditory sensitivities. For example,...

Your Pearl

Dear Addie, It’s that time of year again when I ditch my non-yogaing yoga pants for a fancy gown and head out to feel all the feels among...

Peanut Butter & Mayo

Dear Addie, We didn’t notice at first, it was slow and stealth-like to our everyday life, but your language seems to be taking a...

An Orange

Dear Addie, …and then everything just made sense again. I hear that phrase a lot. It’s often used when things seem “off” or different and...

We Walked

Dear Addie, We were coming off of a fun, slightly chaotic, sensory overload kind of week and if I’m being honest, we all could’ve used an...

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